General Guidelines and Troubleshooting

Welcome to our general guidelines and troubleshooting article.

If you are reading this then it's possible you've attempted to complete your video interview but for some reason you are struggling to start or your responses are not being uploaded. 

If this is the case then review the checklist below and ensure you have prepared your device as recommended then do try again:

General Checklist:

  • Ensure that you turn off any screen-locks, auto-locks or screensavers.
  • Check you have a steady and reliable internet connection.
  • Close any open browser tabs, or apps, even those running in the background.
  • Close all open browser tabs or browser windows.
  • Disable notifications whilst you complete the interview.
  • VPN's are not recommended.
  • Check your ISP (internet service provider) is not throttling your bandwidth that could interrupt the upload process, or for slow connections result in a time out whilst attempting to upload your responses.
  • Avoid minimising your browser or switching tabs during the interview process. 
  • It is recommended you have the latest operating system installed on your device. We do not support obsolete versions or beta releases especially on mobile devices.
  • If you have low memory or storage, please consider using an alternative device to avoid possible issues recording your answers.
  • Try again with a different browser or maybe even clear your exiting browser cache or reset it to default settings before trying again.
  • If all else fails, then please use a different device as the one you are using will most likely be incompatible.
  • Having a strong reliable internet connection is very important to ensure your interview questions are uploaded efficiently. Whilst 4G/5G uploading will work just fine we recommend using a decent Wi-Fi broadband connection. We don't recommend using a public open Wi-Fi due to potential security risks and upload speeds which could be severely restricted. Also take note if your internet provider throttles your upload speed at certain times of the day. If so it may be useful to take your interview outside of these times to ensure a faster upload.

If you've come here because you have an issue with your camera or microphone then review the checklist below before trying again:

Camera Issues:

  • Most issues can usually be resolved if you restart your device or refesh the browser to start over again.
  • Check your webcam or mobile phone camera is it's not already in use elsewhere on your device (do you have Teams or Skype running in the background that may be accessing your webcam)?
  • Check that you've not got a privacy lock turned on. This could be a toggle on the side of your phone or tablet, a switch on your external web cam or even for some laptops a button on your keypad.
  • If your camera is working, check where possible that the camera recording quality is set at no more than 720p (we don't need any 4K videos). For example on an iPad go to Settings --> Camera --> Record Video (max 720p) and any settings to keep frame rates to 30fps or under.
  • Can you see a camero icon in your browser window and when you click on it, it is fully enabled?
  • Try toggling the camera icon, located in the top right section of our screens which can swtich between forward facing and rear facing cameras (depending on your device).

Microphone Issues:

  • Check your volume levels.
  • Check you are not on mute by adjusting your volume levels or checking that no mute button has been set on your device.
  • Can you see a microphone icon in your browser window and when you click on it, it is fully enabled?

Expired Invites:

  • If your interview deadline has passed then please contact the recruiter to arrange a reset or extension. We cannot reset your interview without their consent. 
  • We use the 24 hour clock for setting any deadline times, so that means 00:00 is the beginning of the day, or midnight. The last minute of the day is 23:59. It's important to remember this so you don't miss your deadline to complete.

Please do feel free to contact us wih any technical related issues via We will endeavour to help you get up and running with your video interview (note we cannot assist with unlocking your interview, resets, or provide feedback regarding your application - please contact your recruiter for such queries).

When contacting us it will help if you can let us know the role applied for, your personal invitation code, the device you are using, operating system version and what bowser you are using.


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