The Shine Interview web version was created for Chrome, Opera and Firefox browsers only (either Windows or Macintosh).
We DO NOT RECOMMEND using Linux based devices running variants of the Android operating system e.g. Chromebook or using the Silk browser.
We also do not recommend using any Mac based laptop with a flash drive as your video recordings may not fully process due to the capacity restrictions of such hardware - in other words if your computer does not have a hard drive, please use a different device.
If using a Surface tablet, please ensure your forward facing camera is set as the default camera.
To optimise performance before commencing your recording, we recommend you;
- Close all other open programs before starting your recording.
- Disable any screen savers and ensure your computer has sufficient memory and a good quality video webcam and audio microphone.
The aim is to free up memory on your device that may be allocated elsewhere. By taking these steps before you start, you should then be able to concentrate on your responses without any interruptions.
Please note, if a warning triangle is displayed when uploading your answers, your computer will have been unable to record a decent quality video. This may be down to older hardware and we suggest you use a more modern computer (e.g. upgrade your operating system and potentially your hardware).
For Windows users, please note the min. recommended hardware specification is a PC running at least Windows 7, 1.5Ghz processor, 2Gb RAM, and a webcam either built-in or external (we do however strongly recommend using a more modern and secure version of Windows to get the best quality recording).
Please note: Windows 7 is NOT supported for two-way live interviews.
Before starting we also recommend you check all of your audio levels - speaker volumes in particular, to ensure upon recording you do not have any feedback or echoing issues with your sound.
Once your interview is completed, please be patient while your answers are uploaded. Uploading can be instant or take a short while to complete depending upon your internet speed and any throttling your ISP may use at certain times of the day.