Invite Candidates

To invite a candidate, click the invite button from the roles list once a role has been saved. This will display a dialog with a number of options.


Candidates can either be invited directly, if you know who they are, or you can distribute an open code so that they can register themselves. Bear in mind that an open code is public, so you have no control over how many people may apply.


The list of candidates displays all registered candidates. Check the box next to each name and click invite to generate a personal invite code for each selected candidate. They will be sent an email with instructions and a unique code, which they will use to access the interview.


A candidate that has been invited to one role can still be invited to another role.


To add a new individual, click the add button to enter their details, and they will be added to the list of existing candidates. They can be invited by clicking the checkbox next to their name followed by the invite button.


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