Why video interviewing?

Video interviewing is becoming increasingly popular as part of the recruitment process. Shine is designed to be as easy to use as possible for both Hiring Managers and Candidates. It saves time for everyone, especially early on in the process when there could be many applicants per role, and is fairer.


For Hiring Managers:

  • No need to book out time for a panel of interviewers, simply share, rate and collaborate with your team to shortlist your videos ready for face to face interviews
  • Directly compare candidate responses rather than relying on memory
  • Replay responses unlimited number of times
  • Score and comment on each response
  • Shortlist candidates through a simple drag and drop process
  • Review videos at a time which fits around your busy schedule – using any device!


For candidates:

  • There’s no need to take time off from your existing role – you can record in own time
  • No travel required for the first stage interview process
  • It allows you to see the company’s culture, especially if they also provide an intro video.
  • Opportunity to rehearse prior to starting interview
  • Record each question at a time
  • You get to create a personal statement
  • It’s a fairer process – all candidates at this stage get asked the same questions as you and have the same amount of time to answer
  • Less nerve wracking meaning you can perform to your natural ability without the pressure of a face-to-face interview at this stage
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